In 1995 Linda Rae graduated from the prestigious Jean Madeline School of Cosmetology in Philadelphia, an Aveda Concept School, which at that time was considered the ivy league school of cosmetology in the North East. This was her official launching into the world of skin care. Little did she realize what she was up against!! Her first year in practice left her extremely frustrated. Her education only touched the extreme surface of her newly chosen profession. There was so much more for her to learn.
Linda attended every class possible over the next few years. The more she learned the more she wanted to know. Working in the field, continuing her quest for knowledge, led Linda to the Florida College of Natural Health. It was here that she received an Associate of Science Degree in Natural Health with a concentration in Paramedical Skin Care. From here she poll vaulted into the world of medical esthetics. For the first time Linda felt professionally equipped, which in turn gave her the confidence to make a difference in her patients’ well being, physically and emotionally. Linda’s quest for knowledge is a continuing journey that will never end.
Linda has a skin care practice at the Sunrise Intracoastal Plastic Surgery Center of Fort Lauderdale and is the owner of Linda Rae Skin Care. She served as international educator for Skin Fitness Therapy, a speaker at national trade shows and is currently a contributing writer for Les Nouvelles Esthetique Magazine. Linda is a member of The Society of Dermatology Skin Care Specialists, The Society of Plastic Surgery Skin Care Specialists, Associated Skin Care Professionals, the NCEA, and the NASN. Linda is also a volunteer for the American Cancer Society. Once a month she conducts the Look Good…..Feel Better program at Hollywood Memorial Hospital, which is a free, national public service program that helps women cancer patients improve their appearance and self-image by teaching them hands on beauty techniques to manage the appearance side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.